404-884-1907 | 478-295-2968 [email protected]

Our Services

Our Services

The Parent Aide Program

The Parent Aide program is a family support and prevention program. This program engages New Vision Youth & Community Services Team Members to provide parenting education, training, and support to families through home based services. Parent Aide services can be a crucial component of a family reunification case/service plan. Parent Aide services may be appropriate for increasing certain cognitive, behavioral, and emotional capacities and enhancing the parents’ ability to protect their children from harm and danger.

  • Parenting Classes
  • Behavior Aide
  • Anger Management Classes
  • Domestic/ Family Violence Violence Classes
  • Alcohol and Drug Awareness

While supervising parenting time (visits), Family Support Advocates are able to observe, coach, and reinforce parent protective capacities, such as the parent:

  • Recognition of dangers and actions or plans to protect the child.
  • Thoughts of connectedness and responsibility for the child’s well being and safety.
  • Knowledge of child development and basic care.
  • Accuracy in perceptions of the child’s need’s strengths, and limitations.
  • Skills in feeding, supervising, and managing the child.
  • Physical strength and energy to care and protect the child.
  • Ability to be adaptive and assertive as a care giver.
  • Ability to obtain and use resources to meet the child’s basic needs.
  • Emotional support to the child; and emotional relationship with the child, including tolerance, compassion, attachment, and empathy.


Region 6:
(404) 884-1907

Region 12:
(912) 308-8602


Region 6:
Baldwin, Bibb, Crawford, Houston, Jasper, Jones, Monroe, Peach, Putnam, Twiggs, & Wilkinson

Region 12:
Bryan, Bullock, Camden, Chatham, Effingham, Glynn, Liberty, Long, & McIntosh